YAPIKBI - Foundation of Biak Youth Insos Kabor


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Concerned Issues

  1. Social: Low Quality of Education, Insufficient Health Service; Destruction of Environment; Gender Relations; Unemployment; Alcohol Abuse; Drugs; Unsaved Sex; AIDS; Mortality and Disabled People.
  2. Economy: Economic insufficiency in the situation of too young married couples.
  3. Politics: Corruption, Mismanagement of Public Administration, Military Power over the Civilian Government.
  4. Culture: Domination of the foreign culture over the indigenous culture.

Some details:
Unemployment under the drop-out school children, youth and young women. Unconsciousness among the youth about deadly diseases such as AIDS, malaria, TBC etc. Unconsciousness among the youth about ecological issues such as environmental conservation against oceanic pollution (by factories, big fishing companies, cyanide or fishing by bombings), air pollution, logging operation and mining operation.
Gender issues such as cultural and state abuse against women, weak economic position of the women.
Absence of the Collaboration between NGOs, Local Government and Communities towards the development of Civil Society.


1. Institution Capacity Building by training NGOs and Trade Unions on Participatory Strategic Planning, Project Cycle and Proposal Writing, Group Facilitation Methods, Communication, Effective Meeting, Public Relations, Associate with Media, Practicing Influence on the Governmental Policy, Negotiation, Office and Personnel Management, Conflict Control (Resolution), Coping with Stress etc.

2. Language Capacity by giving English, Japanese and Biak (tribal language) Courses.
3. Occupational skills in secretaryship, hotel, electronics, mechanics/automotive, accountancy, food preparation, fashion design, furniture, net and canoe for fishery, etc.

4. Advocacy: Support the youth for the Recovery from Alcohol and Drugs Abuse, Advocate young women to stay away from the prostitution.

5. Youth Counseling for job opportunities by giving training in writing application, presentation during an interview for a job.

6. Youth Exchange (local, regional and international) including participation in the international youth conferences.

7. Cultural Development in theater, dancing, singing, painting, sculpture and writing.

8. Cross Cultural Activities including sport contest, short stories contest, speech contest, etcetera among different etnic children and youth groups. This is to prevent ethnic conflicts and to promote harmony for coexistence.

9. Environmental Protection by training youth to be environmentalists in their own communities.

10. Gender Relations by organizing activities leading to equalization of position among women and man such as man cook for women, women eat first man, women's participation in the decision making process, strengthening economic position of women, etc.

11. Disabled People. Training youth to be social worker to help disabled people including visual, oral and physical handicapped; old people and psychological disabled people.

12. Seminar and Conferences on Human Rights, Education, Health, Job Opportunities, Environment, Gender Issues, Culture and Tourism.

13. Health. Giving information on malnutrition, AIDS and other acute diseases.

14. Economy: Creation of jobs and income generation by starting small businesses.

15. Politics: Monitoring of Public Policy, Monitoring of the Military Political Manoeuvres.